For this project, I was challenged to design a product inspired by a production process. I have always been interested by how things are made, and welding had fascinated me for the longest time, so this assignment was the perfect excuse to have a crack at it. 
The first two weeks I spent almost entirely at the metal station, from morning to evening, learning everything I could about the process through various experiments
Welds had to be a feature of my product.
I design using Bauhaus' design principles, with a twist. Form follows function, true materials, minimalism, simplicity and effectiveness are all charecteristics of my projects, but instead of designing for mass-production I choose instead to design them to be produced by hand.
I believe producing these pieces by hand gives them a fourth dimension. They're no longer just objects, not only pieces of furniture. All of them are ever so slightly different, and that gives them a "personality" of sorts.
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