My name is Simão Soares, I am 20 years-old, Portuguese, an aspiring furniture designer and currently a 3rd year product design student at the Willem de Kooning Academy.

As a designer, I see myself as a problem-solver. I believe in form over function, and in finding the simplest sollution possible. To quote Bruno Munari: "To complicate is simple, to simplify is complicated." Simplifying is the basis of all my projects, and their ultimate goal.
I am very inspired by Bauhaus’ design principles: form follows function, minimalism, true materials, simplicity, and effectiveness. This being said, I have never been a stickler for rules. Unlike the Bauhaus designs, I make mine to be produced by hand. I believe in doing this, a certain “personality” develops from each piece. It means all are different and asymmetrical, making them more relatable, giving a whole new meaning to “human design”.
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